Marlow (ZX Spectrum)
A downloadable game for Windows
Now you can also buy this beautiful Cassette release by Teknamic:
Marlow in Apocalyptic Acid World is a platform game for ZX Spectrum 128k, inspired by "The Great Giana Sisters." What? You thought the inspiration came from a certain mustached plumber? No way…
Navigate this vast apocalyptic world by jumping, stomping on enemies, collecting crystals, throwing molotov cocktail, and breaking blocks with your head across 4 worlds, in a total of 17 levels and 5 Boss battles.
You can donwload the Beta Demo for free to test the game before you buy the full package.
Marlow Key Features:
- 5 Bosses and 17 stages Spread through 2 Episodes (2 programs)
- 7 catch sound tracks (more info on readme.txt)
- 10 Full screen illustrations (loading, title, intro cutscenes and endings)
- Fluid gameplay mechanics in a style rarely seen on the ZX Spectrum
This project was only possible thanks to MPAGD Gen2, modified version of the engine by Xavisan, that expands memory usage beyond the 48kb, without which the complex title screens, introduction, and ending, as well as the large number of music tracks, screens, and code, would not have been possible.
More info on teh Readme.txt file that cames along the game package.
Have fun!
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In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6 USD. You will get access to the following files:
Download demo
Development log
- Small update: fixed typo on EP2Oct 08, 2024
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Parabéns por este novo jogo! O uso que faz das cores é incrível. Uma jogabilidade muito cuidada e aqueles “power ups” dão muita vida à aventura. Parabéns!!
Obrigado, Gracias! Fico feliz que você tenha gostado do resultado do gráfico e jogabildiade!
Il mio personale voto che do' a Marlow:
Grafica: 95 Sonoro: 89 Giocabilita': 94 Longevita': 93. Globale: 94
Complimenti !!
(google tradutor)
My dear friend ! your game is awesome in all aspects.
I'm glad you liked it, thank you for the gameplay video!
I'm enjoying the game but finding the platforming pretty challenging - any hints or tips?
If you tell me about any specific part I can think of any advice. But overa, go slow when you can, kill all anemies on the screen to be safe. Try to find the Chernobyl powerup (most stages have one pipe that leads to a powerup secret room) so you can run and jum more easylly on the platform sections. Hold the jump button until you get to the highest point of jump, and I think thet's most of it.
Thanks! Loved the post on Instagram too, thank you.
Nice game with good playability, even if we have seen better graphics on the ZX Spectrum. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 04:39:56. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂
Thank you for the reviw and gameplay video, I'll watch it ASAP. Thanks
Отдельное спасибо за Варшавянку.
Thanks for the information. I did not know that the original melody was a Poland Comunist compositin. Will add this information on the future releases.
Perfeito, fico feliz que conseguiu. Sim, existe a opção de Kempston, mas eu nunca a testei pois não tenho interface e este controle. Mas como é rotina padrã oda Engine, é para funcionar. Texte a demo antes, se possível, e me diga se Kempston funcionou como planejado. Obrigado pela disposição e empenho em comprar o jogo.
Ciao complimenti per questo magnifico gioco,davvero molto bello e divertente che Consiglio assolutamente a tutti di provare.
Excellent platformer with great music, thank you. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New ZX Spectrum Games from September 2024" video along with all the other newly released ZX Spectrum games.
Ciao. Io pagherei solo con Visa PostPay.
Non ho il paypal. Vorrei pagare con Visa o con iban ?? Grazie.
Hi, I do not speek Italian, just Portuguese or English, but have translated using googletranslator and get that you do not have Paypal. I do not have any other way to sell the game worldwide, just by itchio, so I do not knwo how to gives you ghe Visa option. Don't you have any friend that can buy the game for you here using paypal? Do you know a way, or website, where a can put the game in a way that you can buy it? I'm open to suggestions, thanks.
Google Translated to Italian:
Ciao, non parlo italiano, solo portoghese o inglese, ma ho tradotto usando googletranslator e ho capito che non hai Paypal. Non ho altro modo per vendere il gioco in tutto il mondo, solo tramite itchio, quindi non so come darti l'opzione Visa. Non hai nessun amico che può comprarti il gioco qui usando PayPal? Conosci un modo, o un sito web, in cui è possibile mettere il gioco in modo da poterlo acquistare? Sono aperto a suggerimenti, grazie.
Un sistema esiste: l'iban dalla banca !
Mi dai il tuo iban e io vado in banca e ti do' i 6$. L'ho gia' fatto con altre persone.
Não consigo encontrar onde adicionar esta opção. Vou continuar pesquisando por que é claro que gostaria de dar mais opções de pagamento para queles que desejam comprar o game.
This game looks awesome. Almost psychedelic
Thanks! Yeah, a think that even S.Mario is a bit surrealism, I think even a bit inspired on Alice in wonderland. And inspired on this though that I tried to make things a bit surrealist and even psychedelic.
Cool game, thank you.
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it
Opas, valeu, se empolgou hehehehe, espero que tenha curtido. Achou muito fácil?
Não achei fácil não. Mas gostei de jogar. Quando comecei a me ferrar demais na fase do elevador apelei para o save state. Usei algumas vezes sim. Confesso. Se bem que depois já peguei o jeito. Infelizmente hoje nossa atenção e tempo são sequestrados por muitas outras coisas. Hoje por exemplo foi um dia que não liguei computador. Então aproveitei que ontem estava livre e brinquei até o fim.
A, perfeito então, hehehehe.
Great game!
Man, you are "quick on the trigger", every day faster, hehehe. Thanks again.